A podcast on Blackness in Latin America, the Caribbean, y la Diáspora
We are excited to poquito a poco introduce this new project:
Majestad Prieta: A Podcast about Blackness in Latin America, the Caribbean, y la Diáspora The name is a mix of inspiration and reclamation. It is inspired by the poem "Majestad Negra," del poeta Puertorriqueño Luis Palés Matos, and reclaims the term "prieta/o/e," which is often used as a derogatory word en nuestros contextos.
In the teaser to the upcoming first season of this new project, the hosts discuss the term "afro-latinidad," part of its history, and how their personal lives interact with this ever-changing concept.
Originally, the name of this project was Las Caras Lindas - as it is mentioned in the teaser episode. However, there is already a project under that name and we want to respect and acknowledge their work.